30 Jun 2021

District-based Spatial Information Dashboard and Geo-tagging Tool officially launched

The District-based Spatial Information Dashboard (the Dashboard) and the Geo-tagging Tool (the Tool) have been launched. They are two of the four quick-win projects under the Common Spatial Data Infrastructure (CSDI) implemented by the Development Bureau for promoting the smart city development.

Members of the public can use the Dashboard and the Tool free of charge via the Hong Kong GeoData Store – CSDI Portal (alpha version) (https://geodata.gov.hk/) or their designated websites as below:

(1)the Dashboard: https://csdi-dashboard.geodata.gov.hk/
(2)the Tool: https://geodata.gov.hk/gt/

[Link to press release]

Introducing District-based Spatial Information Dashboard


Using Geo-tagging Tool wisely


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